You've Got This!
The great thing about starting out with Learn2playCello is how gradually each lesson builds on the previous lesson. If you have followed the technique and notereading videos I recommended then you are about 20 video lessons in by this point in your musical journey. The next step is an easy one — just do what you’ve been practicing to do. Play the piece!
If you are like me when I first got married and thought I could assemble the furniture without reading the directions, then you may have started with this video and skipped the preview and practice video lessons for Lightly Row from Suzuki Book 1 for Cello. Please go back and practice before you perform or you may find that the furniture looks like the picture on the box, but isn’t sturdy! Especially adult learners are well-served to remember that we are not learning Lightly Row, we are learning to play the cello. We are learning to arch fingers, hold the bow, play in the forte-freeway, develop good tone and good intonation. Lightly Row is just an opportunity to solidify the skills already presented.
Lightly Row is a German folk song. Sometimes knowing the English lyrics helps students with memorizing the song. Knowing the lyrics can also help you with your phrasing. Sing through the song and notice where you naturally breathe. Whether you are playing the cello or singing the song, the phrasing should be the same.
Pro Tip
PERFORM or PLATEAU — practicing with no intent to perform yields a very different sort of playing. Whether you play for friends, family, or the internet your progress will get a boost every time you are brave enough to prepare for a performance.
I would love to watch you work so upload your video and include the link in the comments section below!